Sunday, February 18, 2007


Snow is very good. Especially when you take a very large hill and cover it in the stuff. Then you slide down said hill on flimsy plastic disks purchased at Target, or in my case stolen back from an ex boyfriend. (I dont care what he says, I bought them, and they are mine. In my possession they shall stay.) Anyway...I went sledding yesterday with three of my friends and we truly had a blast. It was a nice warm up for the ski trip I will be going on next weekend. (Blue Mountain, WOOO!) I got all decked out in my Roxy snow gear, and I truly looked the part of a snow bunny. I feel like if you are going to do something, you might as well do it right. Also, it is very fun to go to starbucks after sledding in boots and bright pink snow pants. (and make fun of the kids who make fun of said snow boots, I mean, CLEARLY I was participating in a rigorous snow activity which called for the use of snow boots.) Oh and there was this creepy kid in starbucks listening in on our conversation and staring at us repeatedly. I wanted to go over to him and dump my tea all over his laptop...but I just gave him a cold stare instead. When in doubt, cold stare always does the trick. Anyway...I got some really good pictures from the day's excursion. And I really have to go print these out, since my very old computer has decided not to get along with my very new digital camera.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentines Day ROCKS

Really it does. I have always loved this fake holiday, and I have always embraced it, especially while single. I miss the good old days in gradeschool where we would all pass old candy and cute-sy valentines to our classmates. But this year was awesome. Really. First of all, we indeed had a snow day. Lovely, wonderful snow clouds that dumped snow over the city! How I love thee! (of course this means that we missed a som rehearsal and have to make it up later *shudders* but I won't think about that just now...) So I had the day off school which was wonderful because I hadn't gotten my homework done on Tuesday and I didn't get home until 9:30. So then Johnny comes come just to see me and he surprises me with a big TEDDY BEAR (which I have been carrying around the house, just like the five year old I wish I was) and GUITAR HERO!!! Clearly the best valentine I have ever gotten. <3 The snow day actually messed up his plan. He arranged it with my mom so he could come to the house while I was in school and set up the bear with the guitar and then surprise me with another gift (this mystery gift has not arrived in the mail yet...oh yes, i am intrigued) in the school parking lot after I got out of school. But alas, the snow ruined his cute plans. Not that I mind, because I got to sleep in and play guitar hero with him for a few hours. After Johnny left Melanie and Chelsea came over for wasabi crackers and guitar hero. We had a blast, as always. We then ventured out into the snow for a trip to the local coffee shop for some warm-n-toasty drinks. We laughed all the way there and all the way back. Even today we are laughing about what we were laughing about yesterday. If that makes sense.

Today felt like Monday, which isn't bad at all becuase really I only have one more day of school before the weekend. Oh, the glorious weekend. And then I don't have another whole week for another three weeks. I am elated. Really. Now I must go play more guitar hero. (No, I would not use the word "addiction" in this situation...yet...)

Oh, before I go, I would just like to say a few words about my honors lit class. I could not ask for a better group of classmates. We are all somewhat intelligent, but use it in the worst way. An example of this is the creed one of my classmates drew up and we all signed, stating that it is against code to start and essay any earlier than the night before it is due. So far, most of us, including me, has kept to the code.

OH! and I am taking a break from the cat bed to make an envrinmentally friendly lunch bag out of this lovely mossy green wool that someone brought back from Ireland for me. I am sick of using paper lunch bags and throwing them out day after day. I figure I can knit myself one that I can just fold up and throw in purse after lunch, and save a few trees in the process. I am using worsted weight wool, size nine needles, and a sturdy seed stitch. I am thinking about a drawstring at the top and some kind of hard flat rectangle-y thing to reinforce the bottom. But I am just making it up as I go, so we'll see what come of it.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


It is really cold outside. So cold, that I wish I didn't have to leave my house. Ever again. Ever. A few of my teachers are hoping for a snow day tomorrow. I wouldn't mind! I could get an essay donw that is due on Friday. And I could I did last week. It is starting to snow now...pretty hard actually, but only small flakes. I really don't want to go again again tonight. My old car doesn't like the cold. It's really old...and the cold bothers the poor thing. Maybe I can take my mom's car to go to som tonight. Which reminds me...Halee likes the scarf!!! I think she was a little confused when I gave it to her but her mom came up to me after rehearsal and thanked me...and asked me what my real name is...since it definatly is not Liesl. She also told me that Halee had been asking for a scarf since her sister had one that matched her coat. I didn't even know that! I think I may have hidden knitter powers...I can guess what knitted object people want the most...and then make it for them. Maybe not. Maybe scarves are just really easy and quick to make.

In other knitting news, the Moebius cat bed is coming along nicely. I now know for sure that I don't have enough I'll have to just get some of the same yarn in a contrasting color to finish it up, and say I did that on purpose. Maybe I'll even add stripes.

Monday, February 12, 2007

too tired.

I'm too tired to blog today. I have to go to rehearsal at 6...bummer. Although today I am going to give Halee her scarf. I'll post later if she liked it.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Weekend Updates

Scarf for Halee? Finished! Matching scarf for me? Started! Homework? Not started! Food? Too lazy to make it and thus have a headache! Moebius cat bed? Getting there...

I really need to stop my habit of starting a project before I finish the one I'm working on. I currently have three projects going, but at least I finished Halee's scarf. It came out SOOOOOO good!!! I used Lions Brand Super Chunky Wool-ease in white held together with Caron Bliss in cotton candy on size 11 needles. (cast on 15 stitches, work in 1x1 ribbing for desired length, bind off and add fringe with trusty crochet hook.) Now, I am not one for novelty yarns. In fact, I hate when people have obsessions with novelty yarns!!! Don't get me wrong, they have their place, but when someone only knits with novelty...? *shudders* but in a scarf for a seven year old? Caron Bliss was, well, bliss to work with. It is so soft, and the color is so vibrant! And that is why as soon as I finished the fringe on Halee's, I immediatly casted on for a version for myself. I loved how the pink color sticks out from behind the white of the wool-ease. It looks good enough to eat. When I bought the yarn, I wasn't sure how well holding the two yarns together would turn out. I was a little worried. But as soon as I started knitting I knew I had hit gold. I just HOPE HOPE HOPE that Halee likes it. I mean, I I guess if she doesn't like it, I'll keep it!

I took John with me to buy the yarn the other day. He is really funny when I get him around yarn. As I skimmed through the yarn isles trying to ignore the overabundance of NOVELTY *ggrrarrrarrr* he was trailing behind me, squeezing all the yarn, and laughing to himself. I am really thinking about teaching him how to knit. So I can share the joys of knitting with him while avoiding the curse of the boyfriend sweater.

Right now I really should be getting to my homework. As I predicted, I left it all for Sunday. Go me...

Friday, February 9, 2007


I'm feeling rather blah right now. I feel blah everyday between the hours of two and four, but today I feel especially blah. I am very tired, because it seems that every night I get less and less sleep. I have a ton of pointless homework this weekend that I know I should start...but I am not motivated to. It would be REALLY nice to not have to do anything on Sunday. But there is no way I can do homework now. No. Way.

I can't just sit and rest like I want to today. I have to make and angel food cake for someone, and I need to take a trip to the store for some pink wool-ease. That is one of my most favorite yarns ever. I have made a ton of stuff out of that yarn, and have given most of it away. I have made a ton of ribbed hats and one ribbed six foot long GIANT scarf...which now belongs to my ex boyfriend. I really and truly beleive about the knitting for boyfriends curse and I shall never ever knit something for a boyfriend again. Seriously. Anyway...I need the pink wool for a scarf that I want to make for Halee, the little girl who plays Gretl in som. She is SO adorable. Since I play her older sister, we have bonded. She likes watching me knit during the breaks we have at rehearsal. This girl is SOOOOOOOO cute, I can hardly stand it. I knew as soon as I saw her watching my needles that I had to make her something. And now, I have even more reason to make her something. Now, I don't usually bond with little kids, I just don't have the opportunity to because I am never around them, and if I am, they always want to bond with someone else. But Halee seems to like me best! And last night was the first night that the whole cast had rehearsal together, and a sophomore tried to steal my Halee away from me! I can't let that happen! So, a quick pink scarf it is!!! The scarf IS just a precautionary measure, along with being a gift I really want to make, because last night when the sophomore told Halee that she could sit on her lap because there wasn't enough chairs, Hallee asked me if she could sit on MY lap! Of course I let her, her being the cutest thing in the WORLD. So now I have to get that yarn! Stat!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

I love...

...days like this. When I get all my work done in school and I have the afternoon free to knit the moebius disaster of 2007 (it will NOT defeat me!) and practice songs for the sound of music or as i like to call it, som. I figure if i have to go to school, I might as well work a little harder while in school so I can have glorious afternoons like these. Of course, It never lasts that long because I have som rehearsal tonight. For three hours...

Yesterday I was told that this blog helps Johnny not miss me so much when he is at school. Sweet thang. Hahahaha I like to say "thang". So John if blogs could talk, this one would say "glad to help".

I don't know what I would do without my friend Melanie. Today we had two laughing attacks for basically no reason. The first was at lunch, because somehow my lunch bag made its way over to her and she picked it up like it was hers, but since she had allready thrown her trash away, she relized her mistake and sat back down at the table. For some reason, her and I found this absolutely histarical. I almost choked on the orange I was eating. Even now I have no idea why we laughed so hard, it wasn't even that funny. The second attack of laughter was in french class. We usually have alot of fun in french, mainly because we don't pay any attention. Which reminds me that I have a test tomorrow...oh well. Anyway, she got up during class to get a kleenex and I asked her to toss me one while she was up. It was a really nice toss too, landed right in my hand. Anyway, that wasn't the funny part. She went to throw her tissue away and I was playing with mine, instead of using it, and she came up behind me and ripped the tissue that I was so carefully folding. And we just busted up. I have NO idea why that was so funny. And then later in the class I would see the little flecks of tissue on my desk and I would bust up again...causing my teacher to ask if there was something wrong with me. I blamed it on Mel, of course. :-D

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

school drains me

The last two days that I had off were fantabulous. I felt energized and motivated to do things, but after just one day back at school, all i want to do is knit and sleep. Or maybe just sleep. Sleeping is nice. But no. I have to make up a dozen questions in french in four different ways, and read about ten billion lines of the Canterbury Tales. Oh, that Chaucer. Such a jokester. I find it really funny that he never intended anyone to actually read the Tales, he just wrote them for his own amusement. Ok, there was something wrong with him. When I write something for my own amusment, I don't make it rhyme. No one does. Well I guess they do if they are writing poetry...ok. I just contradicted myself. Because the Canterbury Tales is an epic poem. But seriously know, who writes epic poems for their own amusement? Wasn't there anything better to do in the middle ages? Like sword fighting?

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Lazy Tuesday

I feel like I am on vacation. This is wonderful. The SECOND day that I haven't had to go to the hell which they call high school. I have had plenty of rest time to help get over this cold (the fourth one since august...) and I have been very productive. I have rearranged the furniture AND completly cleaned my room. It is amazing, it really is. I actually like spending time up there now. even though I hate the carpet and it makes me sneeze. But yeah...I have watched 8 movies, yes EIGHT WHOLE MOVIES!!! Haven't done that in a while. I organized my yarn stash, into a very big pretty basket. I even have a separate smaller basket for sock yarn. I cleaned my bookshelf, and have come to the conclusion that I desperatly need a new one. A much bigger one. You know you have too many books when it takes an engineer to figure out how to fit all the books you own onto your bookshelf. And really, the bookshelf isn't a small one either. It is taller than me, and about three feet wide and has four shelves. I really don't know how I found the time to read all those books either. Because I have read all of them, with a few exceptions. Many of them I have read more than once. More than twice even. Maybe even 10 times...but I won't get into that.

In other news, the moebius is...I guess I could say coming along. I guess. I have been working on it almost constantly but I can't see much progress. And I really like to see progress. In fact, I NEED it. It keeps me distracted from trying to start a dozen other projects. The reason I am not seeing much progress is because it is knit in the round, and each round has 400 stitches. I know, I know, it could be alot worse. ALOT worse. I mean, this is simple compared to say, a bohus sweater...but you must understand, I have a very very limited attention span. Before even being a third of the way into this project, I allready have plans for about five others (socks and purses and scarves, oh my!) must...finish...moebius...

Monday, February 5, 2007

Lazy Monday

This is the first lazy Monday I have had since Christmas vacation. I got up at 6:30 this morning only to get a call from my school letting me know that school was canceled. Not because of snow, since we only have a few inches, but because of a problem with the building. I have a new found love for that stupid old building now. Seriously. I used to hate it. It was built back in the 70's, badly, and is not functional at all. And since it is a private school, it gets no government money for anything. Which has led to this glorious problem which has given me the day off. I hope it is a very large problem that will take days to fix.

Because of this day off, I have been able to do some things I haven't had time for. Like sleep in. THAT was nice. To be able to go BACK to bed after getting up in the morning is a dream I have every weekday. I have been able to have time to get over my cold. The FOURTH ONE since August. (I am going to rant about that everyday until I get better!!!) I even got to rearrange my bedroom furniture, getting my bed out from under the stupid window that lets all the cold air in which probably caused part of my cold. I love moving my furniture around. Makes life more interesting. I'm still not finished with that and would like to try putting my chair someplace else. I can also get ahead on psych homework, instead of fall behind, which needless to say is more common. I finished my lace-up fingerless gloves, which turned out fantastic and I have been able to really tackle my first moebius knitting project. It is a cat bed, designed by Cat Bordhi. I just love her designs and I am trying my best to do this project justice. I'm a little worried that I don't have enough yarn (EEK!). And I am also worried about whether or not I am doing this moebius thing right. I know I should have started with something smaller, but I am so impatient. This will also be my first felting attempt. Although, I think before I felt this I might make a felted wallet to test the felting waters. After that I can finish my pumpkin purse and then on to more socks! WOOO!

Sunday, February 4, 2007


Sick. Again. This is my fourth cold since August. I don't know what's wrong with me. I usually never get sick this much. But here I am, all congested. I really need to get rid of this cold by Thursday, or else the director of sound of music will have my head. I play Liesl and if i can't sing at rehearsal all hell will break loose. I think i will go pop in Pirates of the Carribean and knit. Maybe eat some chocolate. If I have any.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Here it is

Here I first post. how exciting! Lets see how long this one will last. I decided to create this blog while I was painting my nails to get ready for the dance tonight. Just goes to show how great my attention spane is. So now I have a blog baby and one hand painted chrome blue and the other not painted at all. I don't even want to go to this dance anyway. I'm wearing my Vans with pink hippos on them instead of high heels and my hair is too long to do the cute finger wave I want to do. Grrrr. Regular curls it is. I'd rather stay home and write in this blog that no one will read and finish my mohair lace-up fingerless gloves that I have been neglecting. Or the pumpkin purse I started a while ago. I really should work on that before the pattern I made up flies out of my head to make room for meaningless psychology information.