Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentines Day ROCKS

Really it does. I have always loved this fake holiday, and I have always embraced it, especially while single. I miss the good old days in gradeschool where we would all pass old candy and cute-sy valentines to our classmates. But this year was awesome. Really. First of all, we indeed had a snow day. Lovely, wonderful snow clouds that dumped snow over the city! How I love thee! (of course this means that we missed a som rehearsal and have to make it up later *shudders* but I won't think about that just now...) So I had the day off school which was wonderful because I hadn't gotten my homework done on Tuesday and I didn't get home until 9:30. So then Johnny comes come just to see me and he surprises me with a big TEDDY BEAR (which I have been carrying around the house, just like the five year old I wish I was) and GUITAR HERO!!! Clearly the best valentine I have ever gotten. <3 The snow day actually messed up his plan. He arranged it with my mom so he could come to the house while I was in school and set up the bear with the guitar and then surprise me with another gift (this mystery gift has not arrived in the mail yet...oh yes, i am intrigued) in the school parking lot after I got out of school. But alas, the snow ruined his cute plans. Not that I mind, because I got to sleep in and play guitar hero with him for a few hours. After Johnny left Melanie and Chelsea came over for wasabi crackers and guitar hero. We had a blast, as always. We then ventured out into the snow for a trip to the local coffee shop for some warm-n-toasty drinks. We laughed all the way there and all the way back. Even today we are laughing about what we were laughing about yesterday. If that makes sense.

Today felt like Monday, which isn't bad at all becuase really I only have one more day of school before the weekend. Oh, the glorious weekend. And then I don't have another whole week for another three weeks. I am elated. Really. Now I must go play more guitar hero. (No, I would not use the word "addiction" in this situation...yet...)

Oh, before I go, I would just like to say a few words about my honors lit class. I could not ask for a better group of classmates. We are all somewhat intelligent, but use it in the worst way. An example of this is the creed one of my classmates drew up and we all signed, stating that it is against code to start and essay any earlier than the night before it is due. So far, most of us, including me, has kept to the code.

OH! and I am taking a break from the cat bed to make an envrinmentally friendly lunch bag out of this lovely mossy green wool that someone brought back from Ireland for me. I am sick of using paper lunch bags and throwing them out day after day. I figure I can knit myself one that I can just fold up and throw in purse after lunch, and save a few trees in the process. I am using worsted weight wool, size nine needles, and a sturdy seed stitch. I am thinking about a drawstring at the top and some kind of hard flat rectangle-y thing to reinforce the bottom. But I am just making it up as I go, so we'll see what come of it.

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