Monday, April 9, 2007

Birthday wishes

I always try not to expect much on my birthday, then i won't be disspaointed. But sometimes even when I don't expect much, dissapointment creeps up on me in surprising ways. I guess I have to learn to expect nothing. Then I will never be dissapointed. I hope I don't sound spoiled or anything, I love everything I received (Betsey Johnson purse! WOOOOO!). And I know that material things shouldn't matter, and they really don't, but I can't help but get a little upset about the absence of a present that should be there. It was just so surprising, so out of character...but that is why I have to learn to expect nothing.

This birthday was great in all aspects but two. One was the absent present that I am still wondering about. (I know I shouldn't let it bother me, just let it go, let it go.) The other is the fact that I am getting old. I know I sound ridiculous. 17 isn't old. But I still don't like it. I wish I was five again. But you can't always get what you want, or what you wish for.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Birthdays are always special days for us...and we all love to spend it in the company of near and dear ones...and well for some more fun and laughter for birthdays do drop by my blog on Birthday Wishes sometimes and check out all that i've posted there!!!