Wednesday, March 28, 2007

*slams head on desk*

So my Sound of Music script is ruined. I swear this play is cursed. My script went missing yesterday or the day before, I don't even remeber and silly me just thought it fell under the seat in my car. No. It didn't of course, that would be too easy. Somehow the stupid thing fell OUT of my car in the school parking lot and was left out in the rain. I found it this morning soaking wet and covered with mud. I cried. It was a sad sight to see. I was upset all day. When i got home I rinsed the mud off (because it couldn't get any wetter at that point) and I put it to dry in the bathtub. Now I have to pay $35 for damages. Through the course of the day I have said just about every bad word I know (I even through in some made-up words and a few noises) to release my angst. grrrrr. And I have dress reahersal tonight and I really don't feel like going. And my speech that is due tomorrow? Not finished.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I'm back. I've been so busy lately. And I am exhausted.

The Sound of Music opened last weekend with great reviews. Everyone loves it for some reason and alot of people are coming again to see the performances this weekend. I have one more dress rehearsal tomorrow, and three more perfromances. Then, I'm free...

...except then I have to start running hard core for track. I have missed alot because of the play and I am behind. Really. I went to practice today, and it was pretty sad. The team is in pretty bad shape, on the girl's side anyway. I'm surprised. A lot of girls are hurt or out of shape. We really need to step it up if we are going to be in any shape to compete this year.

I am also behind in my schoolwork. I should really be writing and memorizing a speech I have to give on Thursday, but I REALLY don't feel like it. I hate speech class. It is such a pain. I don't mind giving the speeches, I just hate writing them.

It is also Johnny and I's 7 month today. Should months be celebrated? I don't really think it is that big of a deal. Years, yes. Months? no.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I really have nothing interesting to say...

Took the act again today. I think I may have done worse...but we'll see.

Saw two of my old classmates at Panera today. They look different. It was weird.

Gah, I AM boring...

Sunday, March 11, 2007


I guess people are actually reading this now. Josh even left a comment. Thank you Josh. And Danny said I was boring. Well I can't help that nothing ever happens. Well, that isn't true. A tone of stuff happens, but if I wrote about everything I knew and hear, alot of people would hate me. What I really can't stand is when people talk in front of me as if I can't hear them. Here they are, running their mouths about their sex life, while I am just trying to get my damn homework done. Really now. I don't want to hear it.

So anyway...what has happened lately? The movie 300 came out, and while I didn't go see it, and I don't intend to, Josh requested that I put something about it in here since he was going to go see it. I hope you enjoyed it, Josh. Yesterday I got my prom shoes (which have been SO hard to find) and thus completed the requirements for prom attire. I got my dress and earrings shortly after Christmas, (the dress was on sale, go me!) and made my hair & makeup appointment. So I'm all set...wait, I need a purse...maybe I'll just knit one. This is my third prom, and really I hope this one will be better than the last two. The first year the food and venue...well, sucked. Not even gonna lie. Actually, dessert was nice. Last year, my shoes almost cut my toes off, everyone got sick from the food, (except me, I just had salad and pasta) and the venue was just, blah. So, I have my fingers crossed for a good dance this year. And now for my last rant: a few days ago someone (who will remain nameless) backed into my car and broke the plastic over my left tail light. I was so upset. MY POOR CAR!!! It is so old...and now has shards of broken plastic over the light. *sniffle* I try so hard to keep my car away from danger and what happens??? Someone takes it out!!! Ok, maybe that is a little drastic, poor car! See, I am so upset when I think about it, I can't even form proper sentances. And now I have to go write a paper for psych. I don't know why I took that class.

Monday, March 5, 2007

I am eating a very lovely burger right now

Ok, I have to make this short because I have to finish getting ready and then head out for rehearsal. We're off-book tonight and I am kinda nervous...just ever so slightly...

Anyway, on the knitting front, it has become somewhat of a fad among the girls in the cast. Not that I have anything against more people embracing knitting, I just can't take anymore novelty yarn! But I digress. A majority of girls are also asking me if I would knit them all fingerless gloves, and they would pay me. Sorry, the answer is no. I didn't teach myself to knit to get commissioned into projects. It takes all the joy out of it for me. I may sound like a snob but I knit what I want, when I want to. I do not wish to fall to the power of supply and demand. There. I said it. Presents are a different story. which is why I am making said gloves for my aunt. Although I don't really want to give them to her because I know she will never wear them because she "doesn't want to ruin the pretty stitches." They are being made out of some good sturdy wool, and it will take alot to ruin those stitches.

To stray from the knitting fad of the moment and broaden my skills (not to mention take up time that should be spent learning my lines, did I mention we are off-book today???) I have taken up crochet. I first learned when I was about four but I never actually made anything. So, I took a trip to the bookstore and picked up a copy of The Happy Hooker and I have relearned the art of crochet, and quite frankly, I'm hooked. (Pun fully intented) I am actually almost donoe with my first project, that I started yesterday. It is a cute little square purse made from some vintage cotton my mom pulled out of an ancient stash. All this cotton was left-over from a blanket that needs to be finished, that was started by my grandmother who knows how long ago. It is really cool. The blanket needs to be all sewn together (all the squares are finished allready) and blocked.