Tuesday, February 13, 2007


It is really cold outside. So cold, that I wish I didn't have to leave my house. Ever again. Ever. A few of my teachers are hoping for a snow day tomorrow. I wouldn't mind! I could get an essay donw that is due on Friday. And I could relax...like I did last week. It is starting to snow now...pretty hard actually, but only small flakes. I really don't want to go again again tonight. My old car doesn't like the cold. It's really old...and the cold bothers the poor thing. Maybe I can take my mom's car to go to som tonight. Which reminds me...Halee likes the scarf!!! I think she was a little confused when I gave it to her but her mom came up to me after rehearsal and thanked me...and asked me what my real name is...since it definatly is not Liesl. She also told me that Halee had been asking for a scarf since her sister had one that matched her coat. I didn't even know that! I think I may have hidden knitter powers...I can guess what knitted object people want the most...and then make it for them. Maybe not. Maybe scarves are just really easy and quick to make.

In other knitting news, the Moebius cat bed is coming along nicely. I now know for sure that I don't have enough yarn...so I'll have to just get some of the same yarn in a contrasting color to finish it up, and say I did that on purpose. Maybe I'll even add stripes.

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