Sunday, February 18, 2007


Snow is very good. Especially when you take a very large hill and cover it in the stuff. Then you slide down said hill on flimsy plastic disks purchased at Target, or in my case stolen back from an ex boyfriend. (I dont care what he says, I bought them, and they are mine. In my possession they shall stay.) Anyway...I went sledding yesterday with three of my friends and we truly had a blast. It was a nice warm up for the ski trip I will be going on next weekend. (Blue Mountain, WOOO!) I got all decked out in my Roxy snow gear, and I truly looked the part of a snow bunny. I feel like if you are going to do something, you might as well do it right. Also, it is very fun to go to starbucks after sledding in boots and bright pink snow pants. (and make fun of the kids who make fun of said snow boots, I mean, CLEARLY I was participating in a rigorous snow activity which called for the use of snow boots.) Oh and there was this creepy kid in starbucks listening in on our conversation and staring at us repeatedly. I wanted to go over to him and dump my tea all over his laptop...but I just gave him a cold stare instead. When in doubt, cold stare always does the trick. Anyway...I got some really good pictures from the day's excursion. And I really have to go print these out, since my very old computer has decided not to get along with my very new digital camera.

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